Housing and Fixture

Rapid Tooling & Part Fixture
PROJECT – Faraday required 80 large injection molded parts with extreme accuracy plus part fixtures to assist with assembly.
ISSUE – This was a complicated part and our DFM report that we produced for the client came with 9 pages of recommended adjustments before we could proceed with tooling.
SOLUTION – Adjust undercut in multiple places for easier part ejection. Adjust thickness of ribs to avoid part shrinkage issues. Plus other suggestions that helped the cost of the part and ultimate success of the part.
RESULT – On-time and under initial budget.
Learn more below…
Project Summary
Rapid tooling was the only real option for this project to hit all the markers set down by the client. The very detailed DFM report at the beginning of this project was key to the ultimate overall success of the project.
It was these initial suggestions and changes to the part design that ensured the test parts were able to hit the tight tolerances required, as verified by our test run CMM report.
Once the parts passed it was fairly easy to proceed with the fixtures needed to finish this project off.
SERVICE: Rapid Tooling & Fixturing
QUANTITY: 80 (plus assembly fixtures)
LEAD TIME: 30 days for parts. Client visit for try out and confirmation. Then 8 days for fixtures.
DFM reports are essential for any tooling project but any report needs to be then quickly followed up with effective communication for successful time line execution.