

The Role of Cast Urethane Parts in Rapid Prototyping
Release time:2023-09-05

The Role of Cast Urethane Parts in Rapid Prototyping

Even with the proliferation of modern manufacturing methods,
traditional techniques like vacuum casting are still widely used for
producing both rigid and flexible plastic parts quickly.
It’s especially worthwhile if you need parts that closely
resemble finalproduction pieces but without the high initial expenses.

How does it work?

Vacuum casting starts with creating a master pattern, which can be made
through CNC machining or generatedusing SLA or SLS 3D printing.
The pattern is then placed in a vowin.cn/' target='_blank'>mold box and filled with liquid silicone.
After curing,the siliconeblock is divided into two parts to free the master pattern and create the mold for making
identical parts.
Afterreassembling the silicone sections, the mold is filled with urethane casting resin and cured in a heated vacuum

This process produces a 1:1 scale part resembling the original master pattern. Cast urethane parts often require
additional finishing steps.

How does it benefit rapid prototyping?

One of the perks of using cast urethane in rapid prototyping is it only requires one master pattern to create several
highly precise replicas. This way, it’s useful in many applications, such as making parts with features or joints that
must overlap or pieces with inset or raised designs of features. In addition, it’s possible to introduce ribs to the
design to boost the rigidity and strength of the cast parts. As such, the results can be tested more effectively.

Cast urethane parts can also come in various materials, from flexible and soft to impact-resistant and rigid ones.
Moreover, it’s possible to blend materials to make a custom color. No matter how simple or complex the part,
the turnaround time is quicker, and the parts will be ready for testing within a few weeks. This way, it speeds up
product development.

Do you need cast urethane for your project?

It’s one of our specialties here at Vowin Prototypes, so don’t hesitate to involve us in your project. We make
all kinds of cast urethane partsfor low-volume production or prototypes. Get a free project review by contacting us.

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