

AUTOMOTIVE rapid prototype
Release time:2022-06-11


With the development of the new-energized automotive industry, Vowin Mold is struggling to strengthen the machinery and engineering team capability and sales division to be one of the most reputable providers and participate in the new-energized revolution, an important trend in the automotive industry worldwide.

When you partner with Vowin, you align with a first-class provider of plastic injection molding services, including injection moldinginsert moldingover-molding, and micro-vowin.cn/en/News/news1251.html' target='_blank'>vowin.cn/' target='_blank'>molding. You may also take advantage of our multi-shot plastic injection-molding capabilities for the automotive market.

Our expert automotive manufacturing team can help you design moldable parts that are optimized for manufacturing in collaboration. You’ll find that we’re dedicated to helping you achieve your program objectives on time and cost-effective.


Mold Show

RJC Automotive Lighting Mold

RJC Automotive Lighting Mold

Automotive Mold

Automotive Mold

Auto Interior Mold

Auto Interior Mold

RJC Automotive Mold

RJC Automotive Mold



Cooling Fan Mold

Cooling Fan Mold

Auto Engine Part

Auto Engine Part

Auto Structural Part

Auto Structural Part

Auto Part Insert Molding

Auto Part Insert Molding

Auto Dashboard Mold

Auto Dashboard Mold

Air Vent product

Air Vent mold

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Low Volume Production


