

How to improve the quality of molds by injection mold processing?
Release time:2020-10-14

1. Select the casting material. The quality of the material directly affects the quality of the vowin.cn/' target='_blank'>injection vowin.cn/' target='_blank'>mold. It is very important to choose a material with good performance and good heat resistance. In this case, the product produced is good.


2. The design of injection molds should be scientific and reasonable. For technical researchers, if you want to design things that meet the needs of the current market, you must design them reasonably, and use the standard mold structure to complete the advantages and disadvantages of the mold parts. The specification of the usability of the mold structure and the technical processability is performed.


3, the perfect quenching process, for the injection mold, the quenching process is indispensable, the quenching step should be correctly operated, if a step occurs in the wrong operation, it will cause quality problems in the produced mold, resulting in the injection mold can not Use or shorten the service life.


4, mold assembly: injection mold assembly is like assembling the machine, each component, each screw can not be wrong, otherwise the consequences will be quite serious, lightly lead to product defects, affecting production, but also completely damage the mold, resulting in scrap. Therefore, the assembly work must be very detailed. In the assembly process, especially pay attention to the cleaning of the mold, especially the waterway and screw holes. Be sure to blow off the iron filings inside.


5, mold maintenance: mold maintenance is mainly in the production process of maintenance and maintenance. Every time the mold is used, it must be fully maintained, especially the rust prevention of the molded part and the rust prevention of the main moving parts. Because the mold has to be watered during the production process, it may fall into the mold during the installation or disassembly process, so be sure to dry the mold and then apply a layer of oil protection.


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